In pursuit of awe
Full Spectrum / IR
Deep Sky Objects
Aurora Australis
Whats it all about?
I've found the antidote to the mental health woes that have plagued me most of my adult life, it's called awe. When I am actively seeking it I move into a different space where I feel connected to magic, connected to all things and beings. For that moment I am enlivened with a sense of wonder and my cares dissolve. I have started collecting these moments in the form of photos, something to look at later and hopefully help me tap into the awe in the midst of the humdrum.
I'm not the world's best photographer and I do not aspire to be so. I enjoy going out and capturing awesome moments in time. I want to improve my photographic skills and continue learning, but having fun is just as important to me as the finished products I post. Take that as a warning that you may find some images on these pages that are not pin sharp, where the composition is a bit wonky, or the post production is wanting. Look at those images and know that despite their imperfections they represent a positive expression of love, enjoyment and engagement in the world. They depict the things that fill me with awe.
There are a lot of night shots as I have a long held fascination with the night sky. You will also find an odd assortment of other photographic themes because if it brings me joy then why not. I'm a self confessed and unabashed Jack of all trades. Mr Robert Green (1592) first used that figure of speech about Shakespeare saying that "A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one". I'm no Shakespeare, and I don't think I'm better than a master of one...but I am alive and having fun! Hope you enjoy too! Wishing you more awe.
As a child I loved to visit the local milkbar in East Street with my pocket money in hand. I'd always buy a white paper bag full of mixed lollies. I was never one to limited myself to just one or two varieties. I didn't have a favourite lolly...I loved them all!
The same applies with my phuntography, I love to experiment and play. I'm not interested in limiting myself to one genre or subject matter.
Click here to see what in my phuntography bag of treats
All Sky Camera
I made an All Sky Camera so that I can image the night sky all night every night. I have to sleep sometimes but with this camera I can have a record of what was happening while I slept. This will also come in handy to track cloud cover remotely for my DSO photography.
I enjoyed watching the timelapses so much that I made a second camera to take travelling with me when I'm camping etc 'so I can record the night sky on the go.
See the sky in South West Victoria right now....and somewhere else if I am travelling!
I am just a little bit obsessed with star trails. When I look at them I see us, a fragile little planet spinning in the vastness of space. The Southern Celestial Pole is a constant in our night sky, and like ballet dancers who use spotting during pirouettes to stabilise themselves, sighting it balances me and places my body in space...at home in the Southern Hemisphere.
Please visit my website dedicated to life under the southern sky www.sigmaoct.au (Still a work in progress)