The more I look, the more I see! Awe is all around us, everywhere, every day. Somehow in the noise of the day to day I've managed to walk around totally oblivious to it.
I started taking photos with a dslr camera at the start of 2022, and I went straight to night time photography in manual mode. Taking photos during the day is a little daunting because I don't know how to use all the other modes, or even the auto focus etc. So as I start to venture into daytime photography with my dslr I'm still stuck in manual mode and manual focusing LOL! Time to learn how to drive this little sports car of a camera I think. Bare with me as I pull the choke out and start the engine.

Gallery (click to review)

Greeting the day at Lake Tyrrell, Victoria

Farewelling the day at Wooroonook Lakes, Victoria