Aurora Australis

Auroras would have to be one of the most beautiful natural phenomenon in the world. They result from space weather conditions caused by my favourite star, the sun.

Activity on the sun such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections or coronal holes that increase the speed and density of solar winds can create conditions that lead to auroral displays. The science behind it is really interesting and I encourage you read more about it on one of the Space Weather webpages.

Here, I just want to impart that they are indescribably beautiful and (for me at least) once you have photographed your first aurora you become entranced by that beauty.

How lucky am I that I live in the mid latitude for auroral displays and can go out aurora hunting for less than a tank of fuel. We don't get the really stunning displays of those living at higher latitudes, but to capture this kind of beauty less than 5km from home is amazing.

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Ellersie, Victoria 2nd January 2025 (Evening)

The metrics were not as promising as what took place the previous night, but talk was a display should occur. I was in two minds about whether to head out. Then the reports starting coming in of aurora and I could see the faint traces in the Allsky camera so I quickly dashed out. It was a small and short lived display at my location, much more subdued.

The Sisters, Victoria 2nd January 2025 (Morning)

The aurora that started on the evening of the 01/01/25 continued right through the night. Unfortunately the clouds caught up with me at Lake Bolac, so I returned back to home as my allsky camera was showing clear skies overhead. These photos were taken at the Sisters, where the aurora continued right through until the sunlight washed the colours away.

Lake Bolac, Victoria 1st January 2025 (Evening)

Well the CMEs that were pridicted for New Years eve started arriving at Earth during our daylight hours, and the metrics looked very promising. Cloud cover had me scrambling, first I started to head towards the coast but the closer I got the thicker the clouds looked. I eneded up turning around and heading back inland to try an minimise the clouds effects. I ended up back at Lake Bolac but in a bit of a rush after driving around in circles. I was treated to an amzing display with some of the brightest colours I recall seeing. The naked eye glow from the green arc was extraordinary. Certainly the best New Years Day I've can ever recall having.

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Lake Bolac, Victoria 1st January 2025 (Morning)

I spent New Years Eve with my neice and her daughter camping at Lake Bolac. There had been some talk of a possible aurora arriving to ring in the New Year so I bought my cameras with me just in case. Midnight came and went and there was no sign of an approaching CME that might signal aurora so I hit the sack. I was awoken at about 3am to an alert that an interplanetary shock had been detected. I quickly set up my cameras hoping for a big display. It didnt eventuate, instead just some small beams and then diffuse colour until sunrise. I was happy to have started my aurora hunting year nonetheless.


Dog Trap Bay, Victoria 11th October 2024

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Follow on from the early morning arrival of the Big Blast, the evening was full of colour and very stunning. Unfortunately I only got a small glimpse of the action before the clouds moved in and oscured the display. What I did see sent me home a happy camper!

Lake Wooroonook, Victoria 11th October 2024 (early hours)

Fire in the sky - When you have to pull the vibrance & saturation sliders way down because The Lady overcooked it! The sheer power of this storm when it hit left me speechless. The naked eye viewing was like nothing I have seen before. Just WOW!

I didn't decide to go out until about 11:30pm because I did a big drive for some other big flares in this week and got nothing. I was umming and ahhing and the cloud cover was getting worse at home...and then I jumped in the car and drove furiously north to find clear sky - I arrived at Wooroonook at about 2am & had enough time to set up before she kicked off.

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Lake Bolac, Victoria 8th October 2024

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Lake Bolac, Victoria 18th September 2024

I confess, full moon auroras are really not my thing...but the FOMO has made me a slave to the Lady! Here's a few from Lake Bolac, Vic...I have to say Lake Bolac is just a ripper little place - its about 50km north of me and it can be almost 100% cloud cover at home and like this up there. This would have been quite an awesome display without the big ole moon hanging around....picket fences & STEVE.

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Humbug Point, Tasmania 9th September 2024

I was caught on the hop for this display as no activity was forecasted for the evening. I was down on the beach shooting 360VR panos when I noticed the slight tinge of colour to the south. I quickly ran back to my camp and grabbed a better lense for auroras and by the time I got back t o the beach it had already kicked off. I just started snapping away and in hindsight I should have spent a bit more time with focus, LOL. Shame they are not sharper as the foreground was quite spectacular!

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Freycinet National Park, Tasmania 9th September 2024

This trip to Tassie was a bit disappointing aurora wise, not much to get excited about. This one was the first of 2 displays in the 10 days I was down there. I was lucky for the gaps in the clouds here.

Lake Bolac, Victoria 12th August 2024 -
3rd Largest Geomagnetic Storm of Solar Cycle 25

After last night's smaller than expected display, the hype was building that tonight was going to deliver...and this time the space weather metrics had been on fire all day. I headed out early in order to hopefully catch a twilight aurora. Not only did I capture colour as soon as the sun had set, but I continued to catch aurora displays throughout the night and into the next morning with the rising sun washing out the colours that were still dancing in the sky. This solar storm turned out to be the third largest for this solar cycle and it was a delight to see the sky glowing and pulsing with the naked eye. This was certainly a night to remember with a vivid green proton arc so strong it was visible to naked eye, picket fences, STEVE, an enormous SAR arc in the sky for most of the night and continuous bursts of auroral displays.

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Lake Bolac, Victoria 11th August 2024

The sun had been bust this week firing off a volley of flares, with some reported to be Earth directed. Given the poor weather of late I was keen to spend the night out hoping to catch some colour action. I captured a small display occurring, but not size to match the hyope that had been circulating. I'm not complaining though, its always nice to see colour on our southern horizon!

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Mortlake, Victoria 5th August 2024

There was a big aurora happening but the whole of the South West was covered in clouds, so I had to be content with watching the posts coming in from those with clear skies in other parts of the country. I had a bad case of FOMO induced insomnia hearing the alerts pinging and seeing stats to die for. I was watching my allsky camera feeds and I could see stars overhead and maybe some aurora or clouds - I wasn't sure what they were??? So I jumped out of bed and drove to the edge of town at 2.30am, where I was treated to a really wide display 180 degrees from East to West, still a lot of clouds but lots of colour too!

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Lake Gillear, Victoria 30th July 2024

After such a long time between displays I was itching to get out and capture some colour. I have missed a few decent size displays since my last outing in May due to full cloud cover over Southern Australia, but tonight the clouds and fog held off just long enough to deliver a small but greatly appreciated display.

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The Sisters, Victoria 16th May 2024

Adjusting to the "normal" aurora for my area is going to take a little time after the amazing G5 solar storm induced aurora from the 11/5/24. Tonights display was the first step back to normality. It was a "Not to be scoffed at" aurora using pre 11/5 criteria, a little ho hum on the night.

The fog came in very thick and very early so it was one of the earliest aurora hunting nights ever for me! The moon was very bright and washed a lot of colour out. There was a visible green arc which appeared towards the end of my session however the low lying fog made it difficult to capture it.

The Great Geomagnetic Storm 2024

Lake Bolac, Victoria 11th May 2024

This display will have me floating on air for weeks, maybe months, to come. The G5 solar storm associated with it was the largest since 1989 and seen all around the globe, and up to Cairns in FNQ. The aurora it produced was most definitely the largest I have seen, with naked eye red and green glowing sky and beams so bright.

It was a very emotional experience for me, I don't think I have ever been more in the present moment in my life. This experience is forever etched into my heart and soul. As those beams reached down to Earth it's like I was receiving a download of pure love from the universe. A FB friend, Jay Dean, described it perfectly a few weeks ago when he said it was like a factory reset for the soul

It was made more special by the fact that I was joined by my big sister, my niece, and my great niece. It was a first time seeing an aurora for two of the girls - what lucky ducks to have such an awesome display as their first!

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Mumbannar, Victoria 11th May 2024

On the promise of seeing a monster CME arrive at earth after an extraordinary week of constant X flares, I took a trip over to South Australia in search of cloud free skies. Everything looked like it was going to plan at midnight on the 10th with perfect clear skies at Port Macdonnell. The monster kept us waiting and by the time it was on it's last approach to Earth I was totally clouded and fogged out. I hopped in the car and frantically drove inland, first to Mount Gambier which was smothered in fog and then back across the border to Vic. As I crossed into Victoria I could see naked eye beams poking over the top of dense bushland in the Glenelg area and had to frantically drive until the forest gave way to a clear view to the south. Miraculously such a field appeared, with less fog and cloud than all the rest of the region. The sky was glowing red to the naked eye, the field had recently been burnt and there was smoke hanging heavily in the air. None of the smoke, fog, approaching clouds, or the semi trailer trucks thundering pass could dent my joy at seeing this behemoth of a monster crashing into our planet. It was intense!

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Chart created by Aurora Forecast,

Space Weather Metrics
Mortlake, Victoria 2nd May 2024

Such a vibrant and colourful display that went throughout the night. The fog was my enemy coming in very thick and spoiling the show at the salt lakes. I quickly packed up and went in search of clearer skies, which happened to be out at the windfarm...not quite as pituresque but the show continued on with a big intense burst of pink. I really love seeing the vivid green arc and we were treated to lashings of green in this show,

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Lake Bolac, Victoria 19 - 20 April 2024

I recorded from 9pm to 6am and there were displays throughout the night, but most were washed out by the moonlight. Luckily she saved the best till after the moon set with an amazing encore.

I was in the dark freezing cold night by the waters edge squealing and gasping at the absolutely awe inspiring scene unfolding before me. I had goose bumps and I just couldn't stop saying "wow...oh wow". The whole southern horizon had white beams that looked like they were shooting from the ground into outer space (beam me up Scotty), the sky was glowing red, it was like someone had turned the lights on upstairs... It was such a rush! Goosebumps now just thinking about!

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Rossbridge, Victoria 25/3/24

A great big monster of a solar storm arrived earlier that most predictions, sadly coinciding with the full moon. Unfortunately the alignment prevented the aurora from reaching its full potential, was negative bz upon arrival but quickly headed north and things went pear shaped from there. I had to drive an hour or so north to find some cloudless skies. Unfortunately the clouds caught up with me right before dawn, which also saw another strong display that other people caught. I can't imagine what this one would have looked like if we had consistent negative bz alignment!!! It turned out to be the fastest solar wind stream and the strongest magnetic field strength of this solar cycle.

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Mortlake, Victoria 21/3/24

Another night where I didn't think there would be much to see so went to bed only to see people posting photos around midnight, so I jumped in the car and headed about 5 mins out of town. The moon was very bright but it was not a problem as the aurora didnt arc up again until the moon had set.

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Lake Bolac, Victoria 4/3/24

My phone didn't stop pinging with constant aurora alerts, and so many amazing photos being posted from people who had clear skies...I decided that rather than lie in bed watching all the action other people were reporting and feeling miserable because we were covered in a thick layer of cloud that I'd go for a wee-hours drive...ended up at Lake Bolac and when I first arrived the cloud was the same as home - but the wind was ferocious. Waited a while and holes started to open up. I caught a brief part of what was a really active display that went on for most of the night.

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Humbug Point, Tasmania 14/2/24

I'd all but given up on a decent aurora display happening during this trip to Tassie, everything to this point had been very ordinary. I was lucky to catch this beauty a couple of day before heading home. I was so lucky that I happened. to wake up at about 3am and checked the apps to see others reporting beams in Tassie. Totally unprepared and half asleep I ran down to the beach to catch what I assume was the tail end of the display. The beams were short lived but diffuse colour remained on the horizon until sunrise.

Bruny Island, Tasmania 11/2/24

It's been slim pickings so far this year on the aurora hunt so even the slightest hint of a display had me out on the beach. Unfortunately the cloud rushed in an obscured whatever was happening behind. There were a few weak beams that lit up behind but nothing of consequence. slightest

Ranelagh, Tasmania 6/2/24

My first aurora for 2024. I can't believe I was so excited to capture this... It's a little ho hum and was over in a blink, but after a long wait between auroras it was just so good to see some colour in the night sky.

I was camped on the side of a big hill with amazing views down the valley. Not really the best location to catch an aurora but a great place for some peace & quiet & to soak in nature. The local flock of kookaburras visited every evening which was a can't help but laugh along with them but I fear they were probably laughing at me and my windy perch

2023 - 2022

Golden Beach, Vic 17 - 18/12/23

After the biggest X-flare since September 2017 modelling suggested that although it occurred on the western limb that the CME had an earth directed component. I spent the next 2 days trying to decide do I drive to NSW or West to Gippsland to try and miss the cloud cover that was blanketing most of the state. After my long drive to South Australia at the start of the month, I opted for Gippsland which was a shorter distance than a trip to NSW would have been. Still it was about a 900km return trip from home to Golden Beach. the space weather metrics were crazy strong but the actual event from my (location anyway) was frustratingly mild. A lot of diffuse colour, a lot of clouds blocking the lower part of the display that did occur. At about 3am I started to feel tired after a big drive during the day, and I nodded off to sleep on the beach. When I woke up my camera battery was dead and a quick look at the FB posts from my favourite aurora groups told me I had just slept through the best part of the display! Just a tad disappointing seeing I had driven to far to see it. In hindsight I wish I had ventured to NSW because all the photos posted from the north were much more impressive than the cloud filled ones in Victoria.

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Mortlake South Windfarm, Vic 15/12/23

I was starting to ignore alerts because there has been nothing to see through the thick cloud cover that has stretch across most of Victoria. This night happened to be clear overhead, so I decided to head out on the spur of the moment. Just went 10 mins out the road and set up quickly. The space weather metrics looked promising and kept me out in the unseasonal cold weather. Finally at about 1.30am I was rewarded with some aurora action that lasted about an hour. The clouds started to move in after that and gobble up my southern horizon. I was a little thankful for an excuse to head home and try to defrost!

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Renmark, South Australia 1/12/23

The cloud cover in most of South East Australia was looking like a total fluff out for the pending arrival of a large CME to earth, so I decided to take a chance by driving interstate. It turned out to be well worth the 1200km return trip I made to find clear skies!

I had goosebumps seeing the southern sky glowing red to the naked eye. I really understand now how First Nations People's traditional stories referred to auroras as "Fire in the Sky" & "Ashes" etc. It was something very special, Mother Nature is awesome, truely awesome! I feel so privileged to be able to witness this stuff.

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Mortlake, Victoria 6/11/23

I was away from home but my all sky camera was running in the back yard and captured this amzing aurora shooting over the top of our home. I actually slept through this display a couple of hundred kilometres away but thanks to the all sky cam I have some images of my own to drool over. Check out the timelapse for this whole night on my All Sky page.

Sea Lake & Lake Tyrrell, Victoria 5/11/23

I was in Sea Lake for the Astronomical Society of Victoria's annual Astrofest. I was worried that I would miss an incoming CME event being so far north, but I had booked in and was anticipating Astrofest for a few months so decided not to change plans at the last minute. To my delight the CME produced a very strong aurora that was visible much further north than Sea Lake! I was a bit off my game this night with lots of Astrofest activities booked in, but I managed to capture the aurora above the towns silo art before jumping on a chartered bus to head out to Lake Tyrell. Where I captured more aurora action. I unfortunately missed the early morning display which from other peoples photos was an absolute stunner. I really need to work on my staying power for the early morning displays LOL

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Lake Bolac, Victoria 26/9/23

Such a big moon in the sky, such a dynamic aurora! The folk further south captured some amazing photos, here in Vic it was a little bit more difficult to see the sub auroral structures. The are some picket fences, a STEVE, and a SARs arc here but you do need to look hard! I can't say I'm fond of moonlit auroras they are quite challenging. But this one did have something for everyone.

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Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania 20/9/23

The Tessellated Pavement is beautiful during the day, and luckily for me on this visit just as much at night. Another night where some diffuse colour sat in the sky for what felt like ages, and had me considering whether it was worth braving the cold for much longer. Then a beautiful little display revealed itself, and made this night one of the highlights of my trip to Tassie.

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Seven Mile Beach, Tasmania 19/9/23

Ferocious winds with gusts up to 100km/hr almost kept me in this night, but the promise of an aurora was too strong to stop me venturing out. Tucked in behind some sand dunes I was treated for my daring with this display on a night with a bright moon.

Mortlake Victoria 2/9/23

Back to my favourite dead tree for a challenging night...lots of cloud, a big bright moon that washed the colours away... but on the positive side we had a visit from STEVE just after moonrise and the clouds did make the aurora colours pop. The green colour was truly amazing!

Salt Lakes, Mortlake Victoria 17/7/23

I went out not really expecting to catch much as although the metrics were strong, the Bz was north and seemed to be stuck up there. There was a diffuse glow of colour for a couple of hours as seen in first image in gallery above. I was just thinking of packing up and going home when this happened. This whole display took place with a solid north Bz, but a strong substorm.

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Sandy Cove, Victoria 24/4/23

This display was from the left overs from the early morning display on 24/4. It was visible during twilight but faded out by about 9:30pm. It was of a totally different character to the morning blast, much more serene and with chilled colour palate - very pretty!

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Phillip Island, Victoria 23 - 24/4/23

This was an amazing night, starting not long after nightfall and sporadic displays throughout the night. We saw the prelude to what was said to be the biggest display in two decades, but unfortunately the fog rolled in at exactly the same time that the Interplanetary shock arrived at around 4am and all we could see until sunrise was pink fog. I am so disappointed to have missed this display, based on other people's photos it was the most awesome display since I've been hunting auroras.

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I missed the first part of this display because I had driven somewhere some distance away to try and find clear skies, but the clouds had followed me. I was driving and stopping to take test shots all over the countryside trying to find a gap in the clouds...I decided to call into Lake Bolac as a last ditch effort before I went home and I was lucky enough to catch the end of the display. Its the reddest display I've seen, I could see the beams in greyscale with my naked eyes....really amazing! The clouds did catch me again but not after an amazing burst of aurora activity.

Lake Bolac, Victoria 24/3/23

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Cape Banks, South Australia 15/3/23

The metrics were suggesting a good display and the clouds were promising to hide it all where I live, so I decided a roadtrip was in order. Ducked over to South Australia and camped at Cape Banks was so windy - tripod took a dive towards end of video!...thank goodness for lookout handrails! In hindsight it probably wasn't worth the trip, but I love camping in National Parks and I did see a small display that others in Vic missed.

Hastings Bay, Tasmania 21/2/23

After finding out the X-2.28 flare on UTC 17/2/23 had an earth directed component, I quickly booked flights to Tasmania in the hope of seeing a really special auroral display. A little bit of a risk because terrestrial and space weather don't always play out the way we hope, but luckily for me I did get an awesome performance from the lady, albeit one night after the expected hit.

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Hastings Bay, Tasmania 20/2/23

A whirlwind trip to Tassie to see if I could catch some aurora action like the Tasmanians do, had me a little disappointed with this display. Lucky for me the following night produced the goods so my trip was not in vain. The clouds love me, I keep telling them in no uncertain terms that the feeling is not mutual!

Lake Fyans 16/2/23

This was another case of metrics looked promising, sky full of clouds at home....time to hit the road. I'd seen other photographer's images from Lake Fyans so decided to head north in search of some clear skies and cross my fingers. Got some intense pink action above the cloud bank as my reward.

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Lake Bolac 26/1/23

I chose to head inland as the cloud forecast for the coast did not look favourable. It was a very windy night at Lake Bolac, it was also very busy with lots of campers around the lake for the Australia Day long weekend. (Cameras: Nikon D600 24mm Sigma Art and Nikon D850 14mm Samyang XP lens). In hindsight setting up near the trees in the windy conditions made the evening more challenging than it needed to be!